Thursday, 1 September 2011

Bible Statistics

1. The Bible as a whole:

(1) Number of books-66 (14) Shortest verse-John 11:35

(2) Chapters-1,189 (15) Middle books-Michah and Nahum

(3) Verses-31,101 (16) Middle verses-Psalm 103:1,2

(4) Words-783,133 (17) Middle and shortest chapter-Psalm 117

(5) Letters-3,566,480 (18) Largest book-Psalms

(6) Promises-1,260 (19) Smallest book-3 John (counting words)

(7) Commands-6,468 (20) Longest chapter-Psalm 119

(8) Predictions-over 8,000 (21) Word God occurs 3,358 times

(9) 3,268 verses of fulfilled prophecy (22) Lord occurs 7,736 times

(10) 3,140 verses of unfulfilled prophecy (23) Authors-40

(11) Questions-3,296 (24) Languages translated in-over 1,100

(12) Longest name-18 letters (Isaiah 8:1) (25) First chapter divisions made in A.D. 1227

(13) Longest verse-Esther 8:9 (26) First complete English Bible-A.D. 1380

2. The Old Testament:

(1) Number of books-39

(2) Chapters-929

(3) Verse-23,144

(4) Words-602,582

(5) Letters-2,728,100

(6) Middle book-Proverbs

(7) Middle chapter-Job 29

(8) Middle verse-2 Chron. 18:30

(9) Smallest book-Obadiah

(10) Shortest verse-1 Chron. 1:25

(11) Longest verse-Esther 8:9

(12) Longest chapter-Psalm 119

(13) Largest book-Psalms

(14) Passages which are alike or nearly so-2 Kings 19 and Isaiah 37; Ezra 2 and Neh. 7; 2 Chron. 36:22-23 and Ezra 1:1-3a; Psalm 14 and Psalm 53; Psalm 60:6-12 and Psalm 108:7-13. Numbers 7 has 12 repeats; Psalm 107 has 4; and Psalm 136 has 26 repeats. Cp. Genesis 36:31-43 with 1 Chron. 1:43-54.

3. The New Testament:

(1) Number of books-27

(2) Chapters-260

(3) Verses-7,957

(4) Words-180,551

(5) Letters-838,380

(6) Middle book-2 Thessalonians

(7) Middle chapters-Romans 13, Romans 14

(8) Middle verse-Acts 7:7

(9) Smallest book-3 John (counting words)

(10) Shortest verse-John 11:35

(11) Longest verse-Rev. 20:4

(12) Longest chapter-Luke 1

(13) Largest book-Luke

Regarding the Apocrypha, the statistics are as follows: Books-14; Chapters-184; Verses-6,031;


4. Other interesting facts about the Bible:

(1) 5 books have only one chapter-Obadiah, Philemon, 2 John, 3 John, and Jude.

(2) Esther and Song of Solomon have no name of God in the English text.

(3) Haggai has only 2 chapters.

(4) 7 books have but 3 chapters-Joel, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, 2 Thessalonians, Titus, and 2 Peter.

(5) 6 books have only 4 chapters-Ruth, Jonah, Malachi, Colossians, Philippians, and 2 Timothy.

(6) 5 books have only 5 chapters-Lamentations, 1 Thessalonians, James, 1 Peter, and 1 John.

(7) Only 10 books have over 1,000 verses-Genesis (1,533), Exodus (1,213), Numbers (1,288), Job (1,070), Psalms (2,461), Isaiah (1,292), Jeremiah (1,273), Matthew (1,071), Luke (1,151), and Acts (1,007).

(8) A Bible in the Library of the University of Gottingen is written on 2,470 palm leaves.

(9) The word Lord in the O.T. stands for Jehovah in the majority of places.

(10) The statements of 4 verses in Numbers 7 are repeated 12 times in the chapter.

(11) Numbers 33 has 42 verses having the first two words alike.

(12) Numbers 11:5 is the garden verse of Scripture.

(13) 12 verses in Deut. 27 begin with the word cursed and end with Amen.

(14) Exodus 26 has 20 verses having the first three words alike.

(15) 13 verses in 1 Chron. 20 end alike.

(16) 23 verses in 1 Chron. 25 end alike.

(17) 21 verses in Neh. 10 have only 3 words in them.

(18) 4 verses in Proverbs 30 begin alike.

(19) Psalm 119 has 22 sections with 8 verses each.

(20) Jeremiah 51 has one expression in it used 9 times-I will break in pieces.

(21) In 3 of the 5 chapters of Lamentations the verses are nearly the same length.

(22) 17 verses in Proverbs begin with My son.

(23) 4 verses in Jeremiah 4 begin with the phrase I beheld.

(24) Ezekiel 22:19 may be called the metal verse of Scripture.

(25) The only verse in Scripture that has boy and girl in it is Joel 3:3.

(26) 9 verses in Matthew 5 begin with Blessed are.

(27) 15 verses of Luke 3 begin with Which was.

(28) Of the 5 chapters in Lamentations, 4 have 22 verses each.

(29) The longest verse of Scripture (Esther 8:9) contains 89 words and 425 letters.

(30) There are no words in Scripture more than 6 syllables.

(31) A number of verses in Scripture contain all the letters of the alphabet except one. Ezra 7:21 contains all but j. Joshua 7:24; 1 Kings 1:9; 1 Chron. 12:40; 2 Chron. 36:10; Ezekiel 28:13; Daniel 4:37; and Haggai 1:1 contain all but q. 2 Kings 16:15 and 1 Chron. 4:10 contain all but z. Galatians 1:14 contains all but k.

(32) There are 8,674 Hebrew words, 5,624 Greek words, and 12,143 different English words in the Bible.

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